On sale

Yoni Steam original & Fertility / Healing Blend (3 Steams)

$75.00 - $90.00

Sending you much love , light and babies !! this blend is geared towards women having fertility issues as well as PCOS etc . this blend comes specially blended and you get full instructions as well . if you are in need of just an original blend please check out the original blend . email me if you have more questions. Thank you for your support . this blend does everything the original blend does plus it is focused more on scar tissue & fertility issues . 2 steams
Reduce menstrual pain significantly
Regulate irregular or absent Cycles
Help with pre and post menstrual spotting
Improves fertility more focus placed on fertility in this blend as well as scar tissue
Increases circulation and blood flow
Cleanse the uterine lining of old blood
Speed healing and toning of the reproductive system after child birth
Treats uterine fibroids , ovarian cysts and uterine weakness, endometriosis , prolapse
Improves period bleeding that may be black or brown in color
May help improve scar tissue of the reproductive system
Cleanses full womb of old negative energy
Assist with vaginal tears , episiotomy and hemorrhoids
Help with vaginal yeast infections and ph balance
Relieve symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness


  • Original blend
    10 in stock
  • yoni steam fertility blend
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